- Documentation |
1.1 What is SQL_AL.PHP™?
1.2 Features/Functions
1.3 History
1.4 Future Plans
1.5 Contacting the Developers
1.6 Credits, Copyrights, and Trademarks
1.1 What is SQL_AL.PHP™?
SQL_AL.PHP™ is an PHP library providing a single, unified
interface to multiple types of Relational DataBase Management
Systems (RDBMS). SQL_AL.PHP is a free, open-source API
with direct support available for the following databases:
- Firebird SQL™
- Borland Interbase® (versions 6.5 and above)
- Microsoft SQL Server™
- MySQL™
- Oracle® (both version 7 & 8 of Oracle Call Interface)
- PostgreSQL™
- Sybase®
SQL_AL.PHP provides an abstraction layer for all database functions.
The beauty of this approach allows the developer to concentrate
on the development of the application without regard to the
specifics of certain implementations of SQL databases.
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1.2 Features/Functions
To use SQL_AL.PHP, some global variables need to be set beforehand.
A more automated procedure will take place in the next revision:
- $GLOBALS['dbtype'] - The specified database
type. Can currently contain the following values for
supported databases:
- 'fbird' - For Firebird
- 'ibase' - For Borland Interbase.
- 'mssql' - For Microsoft SQL Server.
- 'mysql' - For MySQL.
- 'oracle' - For Oracle OCI version 7.
- 'oci8' - For Oracle OCI version 8.
- 'postgres' - For PostgreSQL.
- 'sybase' - For Sybase.
- $GLOBALS['db_id'] - The database identifier
returned by the sql_connect() function.
To begin an SQL connection, simply use the following two lines
of PHP code:
$GLOBALS['dbtype'] = 'mysql'; // Can be any valid, supported DBTYPE string listed above.
$GLOBALS['db_id'] = sql_connect('localhost','root','password','test');
// Use the values for the configured RDBMS you chose on line 2.
SQL_AL.PHP includes a majority of the features implemented
in PHP 4.x for the various database types. However, to
keep a server-agnostic approach to each database system, several
functions are not available. The following list of functions
are available for use with all supported databases:
- sql_connect($host,$user,$password,$db)
- Used to connect to a database
system and set the selected database.
- Requires four parameters:
a hostname ($host) that
could be a hostname or an IP address, a username
($user), the password ($password)
for the username specified, and the database name
($db). With only the exception
of Oracle, all four parameters are significant.
- For Oracle databases, the
hostname is configured with the database name in the TNSNAMES.ORA
configuration file.
- For Interbase and Firebird
databases, the database name should reflect the full path
to the file on that host, i.e. /home/user/databases/wps.gdb
(*nix) OR C:/Program Files/Firebird/bin/wps.gdb (Windows).
Note that Windows users should always use the forward
slash ('/') and not the backslash ('\') when denoting
paths with SQL_AL.PHP.
- sql_connect()
returns a database identifier, an integer that signifies
which connection has been opened for use. Oracle
is the exception to this rule, since Oracle does not use
connection identifiers. Instead, Oracle will
return a cursor, which is treated by
SQL_AL.PHP as a connection identifier behind the scenes.
- sql_free_result($resid)
- Used to free result resources
from memory.
- Requires one parameter:
a result identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set returned.
- The returned result is either
- sql_logout($db_identifier)
- Used to close the connection
opened to a database system (and its selected database).
- Requires one parameter:
a database identifier ($db_identifier)
signifying the particular connected database.
- The returned result is either
- sql_query($query, $db_identifier)
- Used to submit an SQL query
to an connected database, returning an identifier for
the result set.
- Requires two parameters:
the query string ($query) to be executed
and a database identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular connected database.
- The returned result is a result
identifier ($resid).
- Both Oracle OCI7 & OCI8
do not directly support the execution of queries in a
single step. A workaround simplifies the query process
and returns a statement identifier, which is the equivalent
of a result identifier.
- A global setting, $GLOBALS['usetrans'],
determines whether all queries are automatically committed
after execution. By default, Firebird, Interbase,
and Oracle auto-commit queries. The default setting
of FALSE will allow these RDBMS to auto-commit.
The other RDBMS do not auto commit. Changing the
value of $GLOBALS['usetrans'] to TRUE
will force these RDBMS to wait for a call to FUNCTION
- sql_num_rows($resid,$subquery
= '')
- Used to determine the number
of affected rows in a result set.
- Requires one parameter:
a result identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set to determine the total row affected.
- The optional $subquery
parameter consists of the portion of the original query
after the FROM keyword. This parameter is required
by Oracle OCI7 & OCI8, Interbase and Firebird, which
do not natively support a "rows returned" function
in PHP. The $subquery allows sql_num_rows()
to select the Count() of the rows in the query, as a work
- The returned result is an
integer value ($num_rows).
- sql_fetch_row($resid)
- Used to return the next available
row of data from a result set as a numbered array.
- Requires one parameter:
a database identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set from which to retrieve a row.
- The returned result is an
array of the data returned from the various columns requested,
with numbers as the array keys starting from zero.
- sql_fetch_array($resid)
- Used to return the next available
row of data from a result set as an associative array.
- Requires one parameter:
a database identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set from which to retrieve a row.
- The returned result is an
array of the data returned from the various columns requested,
with the column names as the array keys.
- As of version 1.1, the column
names are not forced to always return in lowercase.
- sql_fetch_object($resid)
- Used to return the next available
row of data from a result set as an associative object.
- Requires one parameter:
a database identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set from which to retrieve a row.
- The returned result is an
object with the data returned from the various columns
requested as the object properties, named by the column
- As of version 1.1, the column
names are not forced to always return in lowercase.
- sql_result($resid,$rowid,$field,$table,$where)
- Used to return a specific
column from a row in a result set.
- Requires three regular parameters:
a result identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular result set from which to retrieve the field,
a row identifier ($rowid) identifying
the row from which to pull the field, and a column name
- Also requires two special
parameters, a TABLE clause ($table) identifying
which table the data came from in the original query,
and a WHERE clause ($where) that contains
the conditions from the original query.
- The special parameters are
required for Oracle OCI versions 7 & 8, Interbase
and Firebird, which do not support a "result"
function in PHP.
- The returned result is the
value of $field in $rowid
from $resid.
- sql_tbegin($db_identifier)
- Used to begin a transaction.
- Returns a transaction identifier
($tid), which represents a results identifier
for most applications. For Oracle, no $tid
is returned (just the value TRUE), since
all queries are automatically part of a transaction.
- The $tid directly
support Interbase/Firebird, which can use the $tid
with the FUNCTIONS sql_commit() and sql_trollback()
instead of the connection identifier.
- sql_tcommit($db_identifier) **NEW FUNCTION**
- Used to commit a transaction.
- Returns only TRUE or FALSE.
- sql_trollback($db_identifier) **NEW FUNCTION**
- Used to rollback a transaction.
- Returns only TRUE or FALSE.
- sql_operator($operator_name,$text1
= '',$text2 = '')
- Used to return an SQL specific
operator for the configured RBDMS.
- Requires one parameter:
an operator identifier ($operator_name)
signifying the desired operator.
- Takes two optional parameters
required when retrieving the "binaryand" function.
Additional uses in the future may exist as well.
- The returned result depends
completely on the desired operator. Currently, six
supported operators or functions are available.
- The "like"
operator, used as a wildcard with the LIKE keyword.
- The "notequal"
operator, used in comparison of two values, entities,
or column names.
- The "binaryand"
function, where a Bitwise AND is performed on $text1
and $text2.
- The "min"
function, which returns the minimum value for a set of
values.**NEW KEYWORD**
- The "max"
function, which returns the maximum value for a set of
values.**NEW KEYWORD**
- The "sum"
function, which returns the total value for a set of values.**NEW KEYWORD**
- The usage and purpose for
these functions may vary from database to database, but
the keyword is all that this function will return.
- sql_supported($sql_type)
- Used to determine whether
PHP has support loaded for a particular SQL database type.
- Requires one parameter:
a string ($sql_type) identifying which
SQL database for which to determine the loaded support.
- The returned result is either
- sql_limitquery($fieldnames,$tablename,$whereclause,$orderclause,$limitstart,$limittotal)
- Used to query with appropriate
SQL language with the intent of returning a subset of
results from the query based on a beginning and ending
- Requires six parameters: a
database identifier ($resid) signifying
the particular connected database.
- The returned result is either
- Interbase does not have a
"limit query" method available for versions
6.0 or below, so use this function with caution.
See the discussion about potential fixes in the article
titled, Retrieving
the first n records from a result set from the Borland
Developer Network website. Even this solution does
not provide the ability to get the next n records, so
IB6.0 and below have been left out of support.
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1.3 History
2003-03-11 - Version 1.1
- Added support for Interbase v6.5 and above and Firebird
- Added support for transactions. Firebird, Interbase,
and Oracle auto-commit queries. To enable true transaction
support, a global variable was created, $GLOBALS['usetrans'],
to disable auto-commits and force manual commits, rollbacks,
- Added support for additional SQL operators ("min",
"max", "sum").
- Documentation updated to reflect additions and bug fixes.
2003-02-04 - Version 1.01
- Documentation completed with all functions and usage.
- Fixed problem with OCI8 in functions sql_free_result(),
- Streamlined the returning of results in most functions (removed
a total of 13 lines from length of SQL_AL.PHP). Now,
one statement included for the returning of the result of
the function. Some exceptions exist:
- sql_operator - Current implementation
of the function will not allow a common result.
It appears to be more practical to keep each operator
separately returning a result.
- Additionally, some functions have included statements
to return FALSE under certain circumstances.
- Enhanced the readability of SQL_AL.PHP by placing the functions
in order as they appear above.
2003-01-27 - Version 1.0
- Initial public release. Support included for MSSQL,
MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, and Sybase.
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1.4 Future Plans
SQL_AL.PHP has the following goals for the near future:
- Implement support for other RDBMS, including DB2®, Informix®,
and Frontbase™.
- Include additional operators and functions in sql_operator().
- Include additional specialized functions similar to FUNCTION
sql_limitquery(), where additional query
language must be customized to the specific SQL implementation.
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1.5 Contacting the Developers
To reach the SQL_AL.PHP development team, visit the SQL_AL.PHP
website on SourceForge and click on one of the developers'
names to get information or send a message. You may also
email the team at sqlalphp@ytztech.com.
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1.6 Credits, Copyrights,
and Trademarks
- Our families, for understanding the time
we invest in SQL_AL.PHP and loving us anyway.
- All the Free and Open-Source Software developers,
for their dedication and skill without expectation of repayment.
- The developers of PHP, for creating such
a feature-rich language with which to run FreeWPS.
- The developers of the SQL databases supported,
for developing such rich and powerful data storage systems
with which to work.
- All SQL_AL.PHP components and documentation:
- Copyright © 2003, YTZ Technical Services, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
The following disclaimers of intellectual property apply to
the information contained in this series of documentation for
- SQL_AL.PHP™ is a trademark of YTZ Technical Services,
- MySQL™ is a trademark of MySQL AB in the United States
and other countries.
- PostgreSQL™ is a trademark of PostgreSQL, Inc. and
Regents of the University of California.
- Microsoft SQL Server™ is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
- Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
- Sybase® is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. or
its affiliates.
- DB2® and Informix® are registered trademarks of
IBM Corporation.
- Interbase® is a registered trademark of Borland Software
Corporation in the United States and other countries.
- Frontbase™ is a trademark of FrontBase Inc. and FrontBase
- All other companies, product names, service names, marks,
logos, or symbols mentioned herein may be registered trademarks,
trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners.
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Copyright © 2003, YTZ Technical Services, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. All
other companies, product names, service names, marks,
logos, or symbols mentioned herein may be registered trademarks,
trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners. |